Pitta Dosha

Feel the Fire

PITTA (fire) - made up of the elements fire and water (principal quality is fire)

The Ayurvedic mindset sees the world as a combination of qualities. There are 20 qualities and they are organized as 10 pairs of opposites. When we understand what qualities are inherent within what dosha, we can better recognize our doshic imbalances and how to remedy them.

Let’s focus on the qualities of the pitta dosha. Imagine the look and feel of fire. Then ponder what qualities make up the element of fire. Fire (pitta) is obviously hot. Pitta is also dry, light, subtle, flowing, sharp, and clear. It is the fiery force in the body that is responsible for digestion and metabolism. The tastes associated with pitta are sour, salty, and pungent.  

The nature of the pitta individual reflects these qualities. In Ayurveda, like attracts like. Therefore, choosing the qualities or characteristics in food and lifestyle choices which have the opposite effect, help to maintain balance or bring excess pitta back into equilibrium. Qualities such as sweet, cold, heavy, bitter, astringent are helpful for pitta folks. 

Physically, pitta type folks have a mesomorphic body with well-defined musculature. They have an angular face with prominent jaw bones. Their eyes tend to be moderate in size and deep set. They have a rosy and soft skin and their hair is usually fine and light in color. Pitta people tend to get hot easily, yet have a strong appetite and digestion. They sleep deep and their dreams can be very vivid. 

As strong leaders, courageous and brave, people of pitta nature are focused and perceptive. They are organized, serious, and logical. Their joy is found in accomplishment and they have an easy time fitting in. 

When OUT OF BALANCE, pitta individuals may experience heat and fevers in the body, redness and burning in the eyes and skin, diarrhea, acid indigestion, excessive hunger or thirst, bleeding, difficulty sleeping, and excess sweat or urine. Their personality can become angry and sharp words or violence can occur. Out-of-balance pitta folks can burn out or burn others out. They can be jealous, critical and judgmental.  

Take my dosha quiz, check out some of my doshic-specific recipes, and/or schedule a consultation with me to learn more about the qualities, foods and tastes that will help to balance any imbalances of your doshas. Be on the lookout too for my Recipe Book coming to you soon!

Stay tuned and sign up for my Ayurvedic blog “The Pulse” for newsletters, blog posts and new recipes.

Jessica Quinn