What is an Ayurveda Constitution?

Ayurveda is a combination of the Sanskrit words “Āyur,”(life), and “Veda,” (knowledge), it is the science of life. This holistic system of wellbeing developed in India over 5,000 years ago as a way to help people connect with nature and thrive in an ever-changing environment. This knowledge was passed down as an oral tradition until approximately 1000 BC, when it was included as part of “the Vedas,” an ancient body of texts that are still considered sacred today. Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems, and is certainly the most developed.

According to Ayurveda, physiology is governed by three main forces known as the three doshas:

The combination of these are known as one’s Ayurvedic constitution. Normally, these three doshas maintain good health, yet when out of balance they create suffering. Everyone’s Ayurvedic constitution possesses characteristics from all three categories of body type, although one or two usually predominate.

Answer the questions in my dosha quiz based upon how you have been or feel generally throughout your life. Use my chart honestly, as it will represent the qualities of your prakruti. Your Ayurvedic constitution (prakruti) is the balance of the three doshas determined at the moment of your birth. It is best to understand your prakruti when addressing the nature of an imbalance that you express today.

Determine your prakruti below and schedule a consultation with me to receive guidance with proper nutrition and lifestyle choices that are best suited for your individual doshic balance.