Where there is dis-ease, there is ease.

Maybe the only thing worse than a cancer diagnosis is how we treat the dis-ease. This info may be old news to many, yet after having recent conversations w/ clients & friends, I realize that what we feel may be common knowledge, is actually not that at all.

I’ve seen many people who have had their lives destroyed by poisonous mainstream treatments: radiation, chemotherapy, surgery. Although helpful in some cases, what if there is a simpler & safer way to beat cancer? One that’s been staring us in the face for more than 75 years?

Let me remind you that a WWII scientist found a radical way to beat cancer. An incredibly simple premise: starve cancer cells & they’ll die! His name: Dr. Otto Warburg, a German researcher & winner of 1931 Nobel prize in medicine, began by examining mitochondria, the tiny biological “batteries” that provide energy within each cell. Mitochondria uses oxygen to break down protein, fats & carbs into energy. When damaged or deprived of oxygen, they start breaking down sugar via fermentation. This inefficient process leads the half-starved cell to make mistakes, including reproducing wildly, aka becoming cancerous. Sugar triggers everything. In fact, to locate tumors w/in the body, physicians give patients pure glucose linked to a radioactive dye. Cancer cells, hungry for glucose, eat it up.

At John Hopkins, 19 cancerous rats were injected w/ 3-bromopyruvate, inhibiting sugar’s ability to enter cancerous cells. All 19 rats were cured & went on to have normal life spans.

Warburg introduced the idea that cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. He said the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the body. Cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) & cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state. Hence, cancer cannot live in an alkaline diet.

Plenty of ongoing research discusses cancer treatments such as IVC, hyperthermia, superfoods, positivity, etc. Yet to start, whether u choose western medical treatments or not, if u or someone u love suffers from cancer, a dramatic zero sugar & high alkaline diet may be worth trying.

Jessica Quinn