Dinacharya: daily routines

Ayurveda’s tips for daily rituals aka DINACHARYA.
When practiced regularly, these rituals help to support a life of optimal wellness, detoxification, and nourishment.

Here’s the suggested order: (even if you can incorporate only one, it’s better than none!)

🔸Wake up with the sun
🔸Eliminate Bowels
🔸Brush Teeth
🔸Tongue Scrape.
🔸Neti Pot
🔸Oil pull for 10 minutes (sesame oil)
🔸Drink warm lemon water (pitta: use lime)
🔸Oil Massage (vata/Kapha: sesame oil, pitta: coconut oil)
🔸Shower or Bath
🔸Yoga Asanas
🔸Morning Nectar (see link in bio for recipe)

Jessica Quinn