
Licorice has 50 times the natural sweetness of sugar, making it a powerful confectionary flavoring, but it’s not all about the sweet taste with this incredible herb. It is renowned for its excellent ability to nourish the lungs, soothe the throat, revive the adrenals, and so much more. The Sanskrit name for licorice is yasthimadhu, which means “sweet stick.”


  • Effects on Respiratory System: works as an excellent expectorant and clears the obstructed airways of the respiratory tract. It is widely used to treat cough, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, chest infections, etc. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and hence provides relief from chest congestion, works as a bronchodilator, and improves the functioning of the lungs.

  • Immunity Booster: improves the immune system and fights against various viruses, bacteria, and other harmful infections. It increases the production of lymphocytes and macrophages that protect the body from pollutants, allergens, and trigger factors that cause diseases.

  • Effects on Digestive System: has active compounds such as carbenoxolone, and glycyrrhizin that plays an important role to relieve all the digestion related issues like stomach discomfort, heartburn, hyperacidity, cramps, etc. It is also useful for healing the gastric or duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis. It also acts as a mild laxative that relieves the problem of constipation also.

  • Controls Cholesterol: very effective remedy for lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body and increasing the level of healthy cholesterol in the body. It increases the flow of bile and balances the other hormone levels.

  • Treats Sore Throat & Cough: popular for its uses to cure severe cough and respiratory-related problems. It has the best expectorant properties and works as bronchodilators clear the obstructed airways and allow a person to breathe freely.

  • Reduces Stress & Depression: Due to its Vata pacifying properties, it balances the aggravated Vata and improves the functioning of the nervous system. Regular intake is very beneficial to reduce mental stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

  • Keeps your Liver Healthy: rich in antioxidants that prevent the liver from the action of free radicals, and other harmful toxins. It helps in rejuvenation of the cells and supports the functioning of the liver.

  • Balance Hormones: works well in maintaining the functioning of the adrenal gland. Some medicines can suppress the function of the adrenal gland and result in adrenal insufficiency, in that condition it plays an important role, as it assists the adrenal gland to recover its natural functions, and stimulates the functioning of the adrenal hormones.

  • Prevents Hair fall, and Premature graying of hairs: used in various Ayurvedic shampoos because it is very helpful to prevent premature graying of hairs. It increases the blood circulation to the scalp and provides it proper nutrition. If it takes orally, it balances the aggravated doshas and maintains the hormonal balance.

  • Eases menopausal symptoms: contains phytoestrogenic compounds that help to correct hormonal imbalance in the body to ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, depression, mood swings, sweating, etc.

  • Fights Oral infections: Licorice extracts have bioactive ingredients that could help defend against and treat oral and dental diseases like dental caries or tooth decay, periodontitis (gum disease), and fungal infections of the mouth like candidiasis. It stimulates saliva production, helping cleanse and remineralize teeth.