
Guduchi, also known as amrit, is a shrub native to India. It is a staple in Ayurvedic traditions and its roots, stems, and leaves have all been used medicinally for thousands of years. According to myth, when the ancient gods churned the primordial ocean, an ambrosial nectar was created that would grant immortality to any who drank it. The nectar was named amrit, a Sanskrit word that means “imperishable.”

Guduchi is a powerful nutritive tonic and an adaptogenic herb that can increase the body’s resistance to stress, anxiety, and illness. It contains the bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes. It can be found in my Nectar Blend, Ayurvedic Matcha and Coffee.

Although it’s traditionally used to balance vata and pitta, guduchi can balance all the doshas. It has the unusual characteristic of being heating while simultaneously removing excess pitta from the body. This heat burns accumulated natural toxins purifying the liver, kidneys, joints, and blood. It also helps soothe the skin and promotes a clear, healthy complexion. As a rejuvenative, guduchi strengthens the tissues, bolsters immunity, and promotes vitality while calming the mind and supporting proper function of the nervous system. It is also traditionally used to promote longevity and to support healthy reproduction.

Although studies have shown no significant adverse side effects, guduchi can be constipating if taken for long periods by those prone to sluggish bowels.


  • Alleviate allergies and symptoms of hay fever

  • Ease arthritis, gout, rheumatic disorders, and inflammation

  • Treat chronic skin disorders such as psoriasis or eczema

  • Help with hepatitis and jaundice (helps protect the liver from exposure to toxins)

  • Boost the immune system

  • Prevent colds and flu

  • Reduce the side effects of chemotherapy drugs