
Cinnamon or “true cinnamon,” is a bushy, tropical evergreen tree that’s native to India and Sri Lanka. Like bamboo, cinnamon is a wonderfully sustainable plant. Forests of cinnamon grow naturally and do not require agrochemicals. Regionally, cinnamon is often called the “grass of Kerinci,” because it grows back almost immediately after being cut.

The spice comes from the bark of its tree and is a major digestive spice. It is a great choice for keeping the digestive fires burning in a healthy manner. Cinnamon is also wonderful for strengthening circulation. It’s a diaphoretic (promotes sweating) and expectorant, making it good for colds and flus. Some people used as a pain reliever for toothache and muscle tension. It also nourishes the reproductive system – but avoid excessive use during pregnancy as it is a uterine stimulant.


  • Relieves Cough and Cold

  • Manages Diabetes

  • Alleviates Cardiac Ailments

  • Enhances Skin Health

  • Strengthens circulation

  • Diaphoretic

  • Expectorant

  • Cleanses blood